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This I Believe

I believe in family. From the beginning my family has been the most important part of my life. They have pushed me to become who I am today and to continue bettering myself. My family doesn’t just consist of my parents and siblings, but all those people who I’ve adopted as family along the way; I call them my friends and my sorority sisters. These are the people who make me laugh and never give up on me, no matter what.

Through my family I have learned so much. They have taught me patience, perseverance, and how to make the best out of any situation. My German roots lead me to grow up as a German folk dancer and learn about and participate in my culture. I’ve always grown up seeing myself as being part of two worlds because of this. I’ve continued my global awareness through the friendships I have formed over my years. I’ve become familiar with Scottish, British, and Peruvian culture through a few close friends. The differences in our culture amuse and intrigue me, causing me to continue learning from them.

Not only does my family teach me, but they also support me during my hardest times. Last year, I dealt with the death of both my grandparents. In July, I watched as my grandfather collapsed and struggled to breath. My brother and I both tried to perform CPR, but it was no use. This was the first time I had had a close family member die. Between that and feeling partially guilty for not being able to save him I was a wretch. Six months later my grandmother pasted as well. They had gone so close to one another and had been such an important part of my life.

If it had not been for my friends and family I’m not sure how I would have gotten through it or accepted it. One particular friend was there for me when I got the call about my grandmother and from that moment he took it upon himself to step in and make sure I was okay everyday and did anything he could to cheer me up.
Most of my education and development to who I am today comes from my family and friends. They have taught me so many lessons and pushed me to be my best self. They tell me that I am one of their most loyal and caring friends; that I always help them achieve their goals, but they don’t realize that I am who I am today because of their influences. The affect one human can have on another is fascinating.

In my future I hope to broaden and add on to this family I have created, with my students, fellow teachers, and the communities aboard I intend to help. To me family are those people who teach you how to stand on your own and help you better yourself. One day I hope I will be able to say I have family around the world and share stories of how each of them has shaped my life.

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